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W177 (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
The W177 is the classic for the production of Kölsch beers with a slightly fruity, stringy overall character and low amyl alcohol content. Similar to Altbier yeasts, this strain can be fermented at both high and low temperatures. The diacetyl breakdown is almost complete at high fermentation rates, especially at high fermentation temperatures in post-fermentation above 20°C, resulting in very clean and pure beers. This Kölsch yeast is also suitable for the production of various types of ale. (English ale tends to be more suitable.)
- content of esters (depending on fermentation temperature): normal to increased
- normal to low amount of higher alcohols
- normal to good settling behaviour
- very good diacetyl reduction
- high AV° (approx. 80 - 83%)
- high alcohol tolerance (approx. 10 Vol%)
Recommended fermentation temperature for Kölsch: 15-16°C (15-21°C)
Recommended fermentation temperature for Ale: 18-21°C (15-23°C) (fruity, ripe pineapple, lime peel)